Friday, December 15, 2023

End year

Dearself ,

You fought your way back.

You just have to find out why.

Don’t allow yourself to feel bad. 

You can’t thrown your life away just because of one mistake. 

You’re on your own now. 

Do not let people decide your future.

Celebrate the little things in life. 

And always stay humble. 

Be forgiving.

Be understanding.

But don’t be a fool.

Never blame anyone in life,

Good people give you happiness,

The worst people teach you a lesson,

And the best people,

Give you memories.

Do not take people’s words personally.

Their judgement is nothing compared to your pain.

Empathy and common sense will determine your worthiness.

Last but not least,

Kena pandai tapis apa yang terbaik bagi diri kau. Semua orang tak sama. Hanya diri kau saja tahu apa yang terbaik buat diri kau. Orang boleh mempersoalkan apa yang kau buat, end up kehidupan itu kau sendiri yang akan jalani hari-hari.